Tag: plantar fasciitis

Is plantar fasciitis stopping you from enjoying life? Check out the latest article from the NY Times and some tips from Dr. C.

Is plantar fasciitis stopping you from enjoying life? Check out the latest article from the NY Times and some tips from Dr. C. If you developed plantar fasciitis, there are a number of therapies or treatments you can use that may not work equally as well.   One of those is the idea of a night splint that stretches the plantar fascia.  Another is a foot orthotic, and another is a deep massage of the feet. A recent NY Times article discussed many of these commonly suggested solutions for the condition and discussed their limitations. The belief that plantar fasciitis Read More »

Got Plantar Fasciitis?; here is some helpful advice.

Got Plantar Fasciitis?; here is some helpful advice. Plantar fasciitis is a problem that plagues many runners and non-runners alike.   Do conventional approaches work?   They may help relieve, however, some of the well-worn approaches are questionable. Most people with the condition may visit a podiatrist since they specialize in feet.  The truth is that the feet are the point of impact but may not be the reason they hurt. You may have had an injection, had foot orthotics recommended, or had been told to get a device that will stretch your calf at night.   Sometimes, these approaches will relieve the Read More »

Plantar fasciitis and foot pain; is it a foot problem or a body mechanics problem? Who should you see first and why?

Plantar fasciitis and foot pain; is it a foot problem or a body mechanics problem? Who should you see first and why? Plantar fasciitis is a condition that involves pain on the bottom of the feet, involving a fibrous tissue called the plantar fascia. If you believe what you read on WebMD as well as other health sites, you are likely visiting a local podiatrist first and having things done to the bottom of the foot that may or may not relieve the pain. They may send you to therapy to have you do things such as ultrasound to the Read More »

What most doctors don’t want you to know about plantar fasciitis and how to resolve it as explained in this informative video.

What most doctors don’t want you to know about plantar fasciitis and how to resolve it as explained in this informative video. Plantar fasciitis is a problem experienced by many people who run and even those who just walk.  It seems that there are many treatments for the condition, however, most of those treatments, while they may relieve the condition fail to bring lasting relief. The reason most treatments do not work is because they treat the symptom, while ignoring the mechanism behind your foot and heel pain.  True, the condition is felt at the heel and the bottom of Read More »

A Runners Guide to Understanding and Avoiding Plantar Fasciitis

A Runners Guide to Understanding and Avoiding Plantar Fasciitis By William D. Charschan I.C.C.S.P. If you have had plantar fasciitis, you know the pain, the difficulties walking and if you are an avid runner, it can stop you from running altogether. Many medical specialists know the condition by name and many podiatrists will typically manage it with foot orthotics, injections, sound wave therapy and in the worst cases surgeries that often, do not solve the problem (but may alleviate the symptom until it again exacerbates). Physical therapists often will try to strengthen the lower leg muscles, massage them, and even Read More »