Tag: prevention magazine

What is fascia and how does it control how we move and feel.

What is fascia and how does it control how we move and feel? Our patients often hear me explain the concept of fascia, fascial release, the importance of proper firing patterns, Fascia, and how it affects how we feel and function. Fascia works like an exoskeleton, and while years ago, it was mostly ignored by researchers, we now understand that it has its own vasculature, nervous system networks, and how muscle function is dependent on the fascia. Science is gradually showing us that the fascial system can be important in understanding why we hurt. Why chiropractic and fascia are important Read More »

Prevention magazine weighs in on chiropractic; good information to share with friends and family.

Prevention magazine weighs in on chiropractic; good information to share with friends and family. Chiropractic patients know and understand the value of what their doctor of chiropractic offers for them and their families.   Many people find that the traditional medical system fails to resolve or either understand their problems, and their solution of drugs and surgeries is both expensive and risky. The overuse of opioids is the most recent example of medication use for pain having a horrible side effect; addiction.  Most knee, hip and joint replacements are a result of years of misunderstanding the pain people experience, while having Read More »