Tag: dizziness

The mystery of dizziness can often have many causes, but one of the most common is relieved with chiropractic care.

The mystery of dizziness can often have many causes, but one of the most common is relieved with chiropractic care. You wake up one morning and the world is spinning.  It makes you nauseous and you are unable to walk straight or lay down in certain positions. Many people immediately think they have an inner ear problem and are instructed in the Epley maneuver which is a series of stretches that is supposed to help but often is only able to temporarily relieve the condition. It is based on a theory of inner ear crystals moving with these positions.   It Read More »

I nausea cybersickness, an effect being reported by some users of the new iphone 5s

Inausea cybersickness, an effect being reported by some users of the new iphone 5s The new iphone has been out for about a week. I was due for an update and I got one and think it is great, with improved batter life, etc. Some people are reporting another non reported feature which includes dissiness, nausea and headaches, which are symptoms often associated with 3D movies with some people. Apparently, some of the newest features may have an adverse effect on some people, however, those features can be turned off. Check out this blog. Your New iPhone Can Cause “Cyber-Sickness”, Read More »